Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ocean colors quilt and label

 This is a quilt I just finished from a cluck cluck sew pattern.
  The colors remind me of the ocean!

This is the label I made for this quilt.
I put cherries on it because some of the fabric in this quilt is a cute cherry print.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Heritage Stars and Scottish Rose

I decided to make this quilt because I made a red, white blue quilt the summer before and I had left over fabric to use up. One quilt always leads into the next one with leftover fabric. I wanted to start this blog to share about my favorite hobby, quilt making :) 

When I found this pattern in a quilting magazine I loved the many stars and the patriotic theme.  This picture shows it in a chair in my garden.

This quilt I made because I love the three dimensional roses on the sides. I went on a trip to visit my daughter and I found this pattern in a magazine I was reading on my plane ride. The other nice women that were sitting next to me loved the picture of it too, so when I got home I started collecting different blue and coral fabrics, and before long I was done with my pretty quilt :) I hope whoever reads my blogs will enjoy the quilts, because I sure love making them!